Sunday, January 31, 2021:  Celebrating our Parishes

Our Celebration begins with our Kick-off Masses at our legacy parishes:  St. Catherine of Siena – 9 AM, St. Anthony of Padua – 10:30 AM, St. Alphonsus – 10:15 AM.  We are encouraging our families to attend one of these masses – either in person or streaming online.  Students and their families are asked to wear OLM gear to represent the school.  OLM Principal John McGrath will be speaking at each of the masses.  

Please click here for the premiere of the new OLM Virtual Open House!

Monday, February 1, 2021:  Celebrating our Community

Students and staff arrive at school wearing mismatched socks, shoes, and shirts on backward.  Isn’t that what Mondays usually feel like anyway?  This is a Dress Down Day

OLM will have a “Soup” -er Bowl challenge to help stock the shelves at the Saint Vincent DePaul food pantry. This year is Super Bowl 55, so our goal will be to collect 550 cans of soup or stew. This challenge will take place all week.   Thank you for helping those in need.  Special thanks to Abby Rosenbaum – grade 7 – for leading this effort.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021:  Celebrating our Students
  • Special Weather Report by OLM’s Punxsutawney Paul Larrea.  Will the penguin see its shadow, or will there be 6 more weeks of winter?  Tune into the OLM Livestream at 8:05 AM.  
  • Announcement of Student Winners of the Yearbook Contest – front and back covers -during morning prayers.
  • Peacemakers for January will be presented during morning prayers. 
  • Home & School Association will provide a special treat to the students.
  • National Junior Honor Society Induction, 1:30 PM streamed via OLM Livestream.  Keynote Speaker:  Ms. Michele Abel. Ms. Abel is the Global Chief Human Resources Officer of the Health Division at Kantar and former executive officer of the OLM governance. 
  • Inductees and two guests will attend the event in-person.  The program will be available on the OLM Livestream for Middle School and the community. 
Wednesday, February 3, 2021:  Celebrating our Nation

Red, White, and Blue Wednesday – Students wear patriotic clothing and accessories to show pride in the USA.  This is a Dress Down Day.

Students will play a special game of BINGO at 1:30 PM!  Fun and Prizes!  

Special CSW #Penguin Principal Show at 7 PM on ZOOM this week!  Grab your penguin stuff and join the reading in this unique interactive event.  


Thursday, February 4, 2021:  Celebrating Vocations & Careers
  • Students will be treated to a virtual assembly – sponsored by the Home & School.
  • Seminarian will address our students about religious vocations. 
Friday, February 5, 2021:  Celebrating Faculty & Staff
  • Spirit Wear/Tie Dye Friday:  Student   and Staff sport their OLM Spirit wear and tie-dye garb!  
  • Are you Smarter than an 8th Grader?  Fun competition between 8th-grade teachers:  Mrs. Maher, Mr. Larrea, Mrs. Freund, and Mr. Brady and 8th graders!  Begins at 9 AM and will be on Livestream.
  • Students watch a Disney movie in their classrooms at 10 AM with a pretzel treat.
  • NOON Dismissal; Ski Club
  • Home & School provides lunch for faculty and staff in the café at 12:15 PM.  
Celebrating Families
  • We will be celebrating family night at home on February 5th.  Fireside will be offering $10 DIY Pizza Kits (dough, sauce, and cheese) for OLM families! Order as many as you’d like and add $2 per topping — family-size house or caesar salad may also be added for $20. Call Fireside to reserve your OLM pack before the end of day 2/2 – orders can be picked up 2/5. All OLM orders will receive a special family game night pack.  Share your #olmfamilynight on IG and tag @olmhsa & @olmrcs for a chance to win a prize!